Why is the FIFA Football World Cup 2022 in November?
Why is the FIFA Football World Cup 2022 in November? 1. To avoid the summer heat The FIFA World Cup is held every four years and is hosted by different countries around the world. In order to host the event, the country must have suitable weather conditions. If the tournament were to take place in the summer months, then the temperature would be extremely high. As a result, many people would not want to attend the matches. 2. To avoid the rainy season In some parts of the world, the rainy season lasts for several months. Therefore, if the tournament was to take place during these months, then the stadiums would need to be covered to protect the players and fans from getting wet. 3. To avoid the winter cold If the tournament took place in the winter months, then the temperatures would be extremely low. As a result, the players and fans would not enjoy watching the games. 4. To avoid the hurricane season Hurricanes occur during the summer months and c...